Kindle Fire, Nexus 7 and iPad 3 – What Does This New Wave of ‘Mini Tablets’ Mean For Your Ecommerce Store?

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**After a (link: text: disappointing July for bricks-and-mortar sales), retailers all over the UK are beginning to take the world of ecommerce a lot more seriously.**

And with a (link: text: recent study) showing that tablet computers now drive more ecommerce traffic than mobiles, you need to start taking your mobile-commerce strategy seriously.

And with (link: text: Amazon, Apple and Google all set to release new ‘mini tablet’ devices) the gap is only going to get bigger. So what does this mean for your small business ecommerce store?

You’d be forgiven for thinking that new technology means more work – and ultimately more expense – on your behalf. Managing an ecommerce store on a small business budget can be tough enough. Surely new advances in technology will make it more difficult for businesses like yours?

The good news is, though: it’s all good news.

Welcome Boost to Ecommerce

As a small business owner you have enough to contend with. While running an ecommerce store offers you increased convenience – and reduced expense – keeping on top of changes in the Internet can be confusing.

Why then, is the imminent arrival of the Kindle Fire, Nexus 7, and iPad 3 a welcome boost for your ecommerce store?

Increased Tablet Usage, Increased Tablet Sales

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Ecommerce sales through these devices are already beating mobile commerce. With more and more people shopping on their iPads and tablets, you can learn a lot about your customers shopping patterns.

This, along with the results of a (link: text: recent poll by Nielsen) showing that 80% of UK tablet owners use their device while watching TV, gives you a welcomed insight. We have become a nation of convenience and impulse shoppers.

We lead busy lives so the ecommerce stores we visit need to make shopping quick and easy. Especially when shopping on a smart phone or tablet computer. A well designed, user-friendly store will give your customers this shopping experience.

This is something you could never really get from your high street store. But now you can analyse how your customers shop. And if you know how they shop, you can increase your sales.

Get Ahead of the Competition

The new so-called ‘mini-tablets’ are great news for small businesses. Competition between retailers is fierce right now, and it can be difficult to get ahead in the game. This is especially difficult with budget cuts and financial constraints.

By making sure your current store is tablet-ready you can keep yourself a few steps ahead of the competition. With more choice and more affordable tablets hitting the market, more people will be using them to shop online.

If your site is optimised for use on these devices, you can potentially boost your sales. The world of business is moving fast. The world of online business is moving even quicker. To keep ahead of your competition – and up-to-date with your customers – you too, need to be embracing the tablet.

Helping You Get Tablet-Ready

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We’re always looking to help you (link: text: drive more customers through the door.) With the news of these new arrivals, we’d certainly recommend paying close attention to your traffic and sales from tablet devices.

The tablet market is currently monopolised by the iPad. But with these new releases set to readdress the balance, now is the perfect time to make sure your ecommerce store is tablet ready. And this isn’t as difficult as it sounds.

We can help you check your websites’ compatibility with a whole host of table devices using (link: text: responsive website design.) This involves changing the way your website works, so that it ‘adapts’ to fit the screen of these devices.

Our marketing team can also help you implement online marketing campaigns that are tailored just to these devices. This will help you boost sales, increase your visibility, and drive organic traffic to your site.

To find out more about adaptive web design, online marketing, and making the most of your ecommerce store; (link: text: get in touch with us today.)