Together we can achieve great things.

Here’s a few of our most impactful campaigns.

  • CS Energy – Health and Safety

    How do you get employees engaged with health and safety? CS Energy needed to develop a health and safety handbook in response to feedback from their 700 staff, across 3 energy stations, that…

  • Crystal Maze LIVE Experience – Reimagined Future Zone & Spinning Planets launch campaign

    How do you crack the Crystal Maze LIVE Experience? We were appointed to provide PR campaign support for the launch of the reimagined Future Zone and brand new Spinning Planets game at The…

  • Holy Moly Macaroni

    How do you take a brand from street food to retail? Holy Moly Macaroni started life as a street food vendor, often found at Birmingham’s Digbeth Dining Club. Following investment, Superdream was tasked…