An Aussie lesson in life

Operating as an international agency or having international clients, like Superdream do, means there are many cultural differences that need to be taken into account that you might not normally consider when working with just UK-based clients.

Having recently returned to the UK from a six month secondment setting up Superdream’s office in Brisbane, Australia I wanted to highlight how important understanding cultural differences in business actually is.  There are many easy wins and big pitfalls that surround culture, and the importance of these can mean ultimate success or guaranteed failure of your business.  It soon became quite clear to me the subtle differences in business etiquette our Aussie friends have in comparison to the Brits

**Brits                                                               Aussies**

Overly formal                                                  More laid back

Suited and booted                                           Shirt no tie

Rigid meeting structure                                    Flexible meeting style

Agenda driven                                                Discussion driven

Tea drinkers                                                   Coffee connoisseurs

There are ultimately many differences between the Brits and the Aussies, however as you drill down further you will find that you are just scratching the surface of cultural differences.

There are even more differences that become apparent when you travel around their wonderful country – the regional differences became very apparent during my time in Australia.  From greetings to localisms, geographical location to language, traditions to religion, these in some ways are even more important to know than country specific, or business, cultural differences.

Ensuring culture is top of the research list when working with international clients really is an invaluable lesson to be learnt.

By far the biggest difference I found is that Australians are far more “work to live”, whilst here in the UK life is more driven, frantic and stressed.  Of course our Aussie counterparts work just as hard but the balance is different.  I think we could all learn a thing or two from their attitude to life!