You’ve just had the perfect **logo **created for your business. But you just want to complete things by having a **catchy strapline** to articulate what your business is about. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? But there is a real creative skill to producing a slogan that is going to be an asset to your business.
The strapline has a very simple mission – to quickly sum up why a customer should do business with you. It can turn into a major part of your **branding**.
Here are a few tips to help you start thinking up some straplines for your business. Try to concentrate on one aspect of your business that sets your business apart. If you have identified a unique selling point, this is the ideal time to bring it to the fore. Do you have the widest selection available, the ability to customise your product or the best quality?
Think about your **ideal customer**, as well as just focusing on your product. What problems are they trying to overcome? Can you help them save time or money? How can you make their life easier, more exciting or more fulfilling? Is it possible to make them feel more confident about their appearance or more attractive to other people?
Ideally your **slogan **should be short, snappy and memorable. Between 3 and 7 words is a good length to aim for.
Want some inspiration? Here are some of our **favourite classic straplines**:
Just do it – **Nike**
It does exactly what it says on the tin – **Ronseal**
Vorsprung durch technik – **Audi** (roughly translates as ‘progress through technology’)
Reassuringly expensive – **Stella Artois**
Take a break, take a Kitkat – **Kitkat**
A diamond is forever – **DeBeers**
Because you’re worth it – **L’Oreal**
Beanz Meinz Heinz – **Heinz**
The car in front is a Toyota – **Toyota**
The best a man can get – **Gillette**
Melts in your mouth, not in your hands – **Minstrels**
You can do it, when you B and Q it – **B and Q**
These **straplines **have been so successful that many have entered into common language. Want some help putting some ideas together? Give us a call on **01527 573770** to discuss how we can help.