Meet our Planning & Insights Director

*Our junior PR account exec Allyson sat down with the agency’s Planning and Insight director, Fran Nolan to learn more about her role here at Superdream.*

Over the past few months I have started to work closely with Fran Nolan, our go-to gal for planning and insight.  She has been helping me understand the world of planning and insight and what it actually means to be insight fuelled as an agency.  I decided to have a chat with Fran to find out some of the basics.

Fran’s take on planning and insight

### How do you like to introduce planning and insight to people unfamiliar with it?

I like to describe it as fully immersing yourself in the world of a customer in order to understand not just their consumer behaviour but who they are i.e. what their values, motivations and aspirations are.

### Are there any common misunderstandings? E.g. what do people assume you do when you tell them you’re a planning and insight director?

Most people outside of marketing haven’t a clue but those in marketing tend to know what insight is. Planning is often misunderstood as a project management function whereas it’s the process of keeping the customer at the centre of everything we do.

### What methods are commonly used to gather insight?

Desk research is where most people start as you look into what you can find on markets, competitors and customers. Industry reports written by credible research houses are fantastic but often do not answer a specific question you have and need to be used in conjunction with multiple sources.

Once desk research is completed you assess what your insight gaps are, i.e. what questions have not been answered? This is where you would then commission primary research; surveys, focus groups etc.

A bit about Fran’s background

### How did you get into the world of planning and insight?

My interest in research stemmed from my degree in Biology. I was very interested in how people’s eyes, facial movements etc. could provide information on what they were thinking.

From there I always seemed to be on the science side of campaign management, customer experience, product management and propositions, which meant that the insight department would often sit under my area and would provide the evidence behind my decision making.

### What’s the best thing about your job?

The variety! I love learning new things. This job is perfect for those who are naturally inquisitive or nosey!!!

Planning and insight here at Superdream

### What does an average day look like for you?

There is never an average day so I will describe yesterday to you so you can get a glimpse of the random nature of what I do.

I got in and went through the results of a satisfaction survey, then took a client through their target market and some marketing plans for them, researched a new sector whilst eating lunch, fedback on some competitor research and then prepared for a new business meeting the following day.

### Where does your role fit in the agency? Are you a department of your own or integrated with some/all others?

I should be integrated into all areas but sometimes this is hard when the day job requires time to sit and concentrate on developing insight. I try and be accessible to everyone in order to create an insight fuelled environment so people feel empowered to gather their own insight.

### At what stage should/does planning and insight come in?

Every stage!!!

To develop planning and insight at the beginning of campaign and then not revisit it, is a mistake that is often made.

### Are there any departments where insight is particularly important? Or is it across the board?

Across the board. Our job is to deliver brilliant marketing for our clients. You can only do this with well thought out campaigns that will interest and motivate your target customer.