Our thoughts

Be inspired by the latest thoughts and insights from the world of marketing.

  • The rules of engagement are always changing and so must you

    I recently attended the Bromsgrove Conservative Association lunch, where Conservative MP and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Sajid Javid gave his candid views on why the Conservative Party had failed to increase its majority at the recent General Election, and, indeed, been left with a minority Government. Much of what he said…

  • PR doesn’t stand for press release

    It is still the case that when some businesses think about PR, they automatically think press release. In fact, that has been the starting point for many conversations with businesses with exciting news to share. However, a press release is simply a marker, a signpost to a much richer and deeper story. It is not…

  • How to get the most out of your agency

    You’ve gone through the selection process, held the pitch, made the decision. Now what? It may be your incumbent agency or a brand new one you’re going to be working with. Either way, how do you get the best out of this relationship? **Share what you know** Drawing on 20 years’ experience, the first thing…

  • Two days, 18 halls, 26,983 steps

    **Interpack is the world’s largest packaging exhibition, held once every three years in Düsseldorf, Germany. It brings together international packaging and processing manufacturers to showcase the latest technologies and innovations across seven days of the show.**** This year, our head of client services Mark, and senior account manager Natalie visited on the first two days…

  • We’re on top of the world. (And under it!)

    The last 12 months have been some of our busiest yet here at Superdream. We’ve been working with loads of amazing clients, hired a ton of exciting new talent and opened our first international office in Brisbane. In fact, our Australian office is a real hive of activity already. In just 14 months of opening…

  • Superdream’s Kirsty features on radio panel

    Last week Kirsty Visman, Australia director of Superdream, was invited to sit on ABC Radio’s Hidden Persuaders panel. With a different topic each day, the show focuses on local stories, political insights and opinions to inform, and inspire the locals of Brisbane. Kirsty showcased the work Superdream is doing with Paramount Pictures in the film…