Does your content have purpose?

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Content is important. It’s what informs your audience’s perception of your brand and influences their willingness to engage with your products, services, or ideas.

Brands who produce and publish unique and engaging content informed by strategy will see greater success in achieving their overall business objectives.

Broadcasting with intention should always take priority over quantity or trend-adherence. Whilst it may be tempting to follow the crowd and mirror the content styles you see working for one brand, it’s important to remember that there is no “one size fits all” approach to content marketing.

A strategy carefully curated to fit the tone of your brand will always win over copy, paste content.

When we talk about content strategy, we’re referring to awareness of who it is you’re making the content for, how it speaks to your brand, what it represents, what you want your audience to think, feel or do, and how it fits within your overall business goals.

The impact of content produced with the backing of strategic intent can be far-reaching so understanding what it is that you would like your content to achieve is imperative to its success.

You may be looking to increase your conversion rate, drive traffic, or even simply increase engagement with your audience; in all cases a strategy that outlines the objectives of the content and the metrics that will be used to further measure and evaluate outcomes will help to foster a strong brand image and greater awareness of your target audience behaviours.

Measuring and evaluating the success of your content strategy will also work to unpack where it is that improvements could be made and through which channels and touchpoints you are seeing the greatest objective impacts. Blog posts, social media, webinars and podcasts are just some of the channels a brand may choose, and with a well-researched, audience-appropriate content mix, you’ll have the power to successfully build your business and its image in the eyes of your target audience.

Whilst we’d all love to see our feeds filled with cute puppies and baby animals, it’s not always true that this style of content will prompt engagement with your audience or ultimately hold any weight in delivering your brand any closer to reaching its objectives.

Using purpose-led content strategies to help drive your brand towards goal achievement will also lead to gaining valuable insight into your target market behaviours and a greater understanding of what it is that makes your audience tick. Sorry small, adorable animals.

If you’d like a hand in developing your content strategy, talk to us today!

Written by Alex Fenwick on behalf of Superdream.