Eight Marketing Campaigns That Stuck
The world is inundated with ad campaigns. From film, PR stunts, photography or even social media, we are exposed to it now more than ever, often without realising. When we are exposed to so many it takes a lot for the real gems to shine through and make an impact. Here are eight of our…
Working nine to five: What a way to make a living. Or is it?
The eight-hour working day is one of the things about employment that’s changed the least over the years, which is a bit crazy considering it’s something that’s stuck around from running factories during the Industrial Revolution. Back then, 10 to 16-hour days were the norm. But such long hours weren’t sustainable. So, a man called…
What can film do for your brand?
Think about the last film you enjoyed. It probably made you laugh. Or cry. Or cry laughing. Maybe all three. Perhaps it made you chew your nails to the quick. Or jump out of your skin. It could have made your heart race like you’ve just run one. Taught you something. Or simply helped you…
Bringing the outside in for a Dreamy office!
## Why EVERY office should have indoor plants. We all know plants do a mighty good job at keeping we humans alive, and as if this wasn’t cool enough, research has discovered some amazing benefits to lush internal gardens in workplaces and offices. Not only do people love the visual of a splash of greenery,…
Facebook crack down
Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg may have been on the end of grilling from the US Congress about its data management policies recently, but it hasn’t stopped it from making it advertising policies even more stringent over the past few months. These changes have seen advertisers’ accounts disabled permanently for something as simple as using too…
Will A.I. Kill The Creative Star?
When I first realised you could make a vocation out of being able to draw a bit, and liking some of the ads more than the shows – and one of these career options was called graphic design – I can remember one of my wise old uncles dispensing some sagely advice to the young…