Our thoughts

Be inspired by the latest thoughts and insights from the world of marketing.

  • Using a Free Website Builder? Why You’re Wasting Your Time

    (image: https://www.superdream.co.uk/wp-content/oldblogs/2012/09/free-website-builder1.jpg alt: free website builder web design) **Free website builder software, as advertised on TV, has become exceptionally popular. ** With ready-made website templates, no upfront investment required and the potential to reach a whole new market for your business, what could be better? So, why pay a professional web designer when you can…

  • How To Eshot in 5 Steps

    Sending an email campaign can be a cost effective way of advertising your products and services directly to your target audience. Below is a simple, 5 step guide to planning and sending your campaign:   **Planning** Planning your campaign is the most important step. We recommend sending a series of emails, the frequency is up…

  • Kindle Fire, Nexus 7 and iPad 3 – What Does This New Wave of ‘Mini Tablets’ Mean For Your Ecommerce Store?

    (image: https://www.superdream.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/tablet-ecommerce.jpg alt: tablet ecommerce) **After a (link: http://news.stv.tv/scotland/149713-high-street-sales-fell-07-in-july-as-pre-olympic-boost-failed-to-material/ text: disappointing July for bricks-and-mortar sales), retailers all over the UK are beginning to take the world of ecommerce a lot more seriously.** And with a (link: http://gigaom.com/2012/06/29/report-tablets-now-drive-more-ecommerce-traffic-than-smartphones/ text: recent study) showing that tablet computers now drive more ecommerce traffic than mobiles, you need to start…

  • Keeping Your Website Fresh

    For any business wanting to keep customers returning again and again, an up to date website can be a great platform for promoting new offers, products and services – keeping customers and prospects interested. Just like high street clothes shops constantly update their shop window displays with the latest clothing lines for the season, and…

  • Successful Launch of Lok8U’s New Website

        **Today we’re sharing with you the newly designed (link: http://www.lok8u.com/ text: Lok8U website). Lok8U is a supplier of the worlds’ first – and smallest – emergency, GPS alert device, aimed at protecting vulnerable adults, lone workers, and children.** We worked closely with their team to transform their website. The client wanted a crisp,…

  • The Ultimate Website Redesign Checklist

    (image: https://www.superdream.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/check-list.jpg alt: Website Redesign Checklist) **As a web design agency, we are frequently asked to carry out website redesign projects.  In fact we do more redesigns than building sites from scratch. ** The reasons can include clients wanting to: – Create a mobile friendly site – Improve the (link: https://www.superdream.co.uk/seo/ text: SEO) of the site…