Facebook Gets Personal: How the latest update could affect your business.
Last week, Mark Zuckerberg announced a change to the Facebook algorithm that runs their news feed. Whilst these changes may get you falling back in love with Facebook on a personal level, it could mean trouble for your business content. So, what does it actually mean? And what can you do to ensure your social…
Futureproofing furniture sales
Tough market conditions for the furniture industry mean the business models for increasing sales are coming under intense scrutiny. Understanding and closely managing the customer journey online and offline has become a priority as the opportunities to inspire and engage become increasingly diverse. According to Deloitte in its report Retail Trends in 2017, this year…
Looking to rebrand your business? This is going to hurt.
Over the years, I’ve lost count of the number of companies I’ve helped to rebrand. The most memorable and successful outcomes, however, are pretty much always the result of a long, unpredictable, prickly process. A journey where people get upset. Tempers flare. On both sides of the equation. Given the stakes, friction is kind of…
Caring for your clients
*Written by Superdream’s Managing Director, Jason Manning. * Our customers are the lifeblood of our business. Good customers will be loyal, will return again and again and most importantly, will recommend you to others – acting as ambassadors for your company, your brand, your products and services. Far too many businesses focus all of their…
Make your emails work harder
So far in our Inbox Unlocked series, we’ve talked about the fundamentals of email marketing – from (link: https://www.superdream.com/news-blog/how-good-is-your-database text: collecting data), to (link: https://www.superdream.com/news-blog/how-good-are-your-emails text: building a good email). Now find out how to take your email marketing to the next level. ## Personalisation Emails that use personalisation are 26% more likely to be…
How to lead a winning team
Any business or organisation is only ever as good as the team within it. A great team makes for a great business – it’s as simple as that. For our business to take off and fly, we need to recruit and train a team of like-minded individuals who all work together, with a common set…