Sometimes the worse it is, the better it is.
**By Hannah Young, Creative Copywriter** I collect copy. Mostly packaging copy. I’ve got (link: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/hjyoung/copywriting text: a Pinterest board) full of envy-inducing examples. And my phone’s camera roll is littered with odds and ends I find when I’m out and about. I’m a word nerd, so I love how brands choose to fill the gaps…
Turn up the volume on your next event
A great event will inspire people to capture it and share it! You might be planning a product launch, a corporate Christmas party, or an annual gala dinner; whatever the occasion, you want it to be an event that people engage with! If you’re spending thousands on creating the perfect experience for your guests, it’s…
Key learnings from the Interactive Minds Digital Summit
**By Lachlan Kirkwood, Digital Marketing Manager** The digital industry constantly shifts as technology evolves at such a rapid pace. As users demand change, brands are more focused than ever on delivering personalised, more engaging experiences that drive actionable results. So how can brands adapt to industry changes to ensure they remain both relevant and competitive?…
The Magnet Effect of Influencers
**by Kirsty Visman, Director** Many brands are recognising the appeal of social influencers in selling their products or services, however volume of followers does not always guarantee a positive outcome. As a society, we have always looked to others for our cues on what’s hot and what’s not, but influence can act like a magnet,…
A powerful image; a weak strategy
**By Hannah Young, Creative Copywriter** There’s a shocking statistic making the rounds at the moment. Domestic violence against women goes up by 26% when the football’s on. By 38% when they lose. J Walter Thompson London has highlighted this link in a reactive campaign for the National Centre for Domestic Violence. (image: ouch.jpg) Clearly, there’s…
Eight Marketing Campaigns That Stuck
The world is inundated with ad campaigns. From film, PR stunts, photography or even social media, we are exposed to it now more than ever, often without realising. When we are exposed to so many it takes a lot for the real gems to shine through and make an impact. Here are eight of our…