Our thoughts

Be inspired by the latest thoughts and insights from the world of marketing.

  • Mixing business with pleasure, socially speaking.

    *Lisa our Senior PR Account Manager has got mixed feelings about mixing business and personal social media it can be both a help and a hindrance, but is it worth taking the risk? * I’ve always struggled with the idea of mixing personal and professional social media platforms.  In principal using both to help promote the…

  • And cue the New Year campaigns for 2016

    (image: https://www.superdream.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/and-cue-the-new-year-campaigns-2.jpg alt: and cue the new year campaigns 2) I can’t even begin to imagine the volume of New Year’s resolutions that have been made this month, let alone predict the amount that have already been broken a week into the New Year. A study in 2007 by the University of Hertfordshire found that…

  • Dishing out advice

    (image: https://www.superdream.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/A3567_SUPE_Social-Media-Post_Advice_PR_730x375px_V1a_TN_VISUAL.png alt: Dishing out advice) The path to success isn’t always an easy one, but when there’s bumps in the road a little guidance can go a long way. Once upon a time we were all at the start of our careers, full of promise and ambition as we set off on the long…

  • 7 alternatives to a press release

    (image: https://www.superdream.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/7-alt-pr.jpg alt: Alternatives to press release) *When a client asks us to help them share some big news, it’s our job to advise them on the best way for them to deliver the right messages to the right people. Whilst we still write a lot of press releases in the PR department at Superdream,…

  • Haters gonna hate

    There’s nothing like a negative comment on social media to put a dampener on your day. When you’ve worked tirelessly to build up a brand, just one single critical voice can feel like taking a bullet, easily outweighing all of the supportive ones. With social media and online reviews playing such a huge part in…

  • “There cannot be a crisis this week, my schedule is already full!”

    Last week, I attended a (link: http://1.http://www.vuelio.com/uk/ text: Vuelio )Webinar about the art of managing a crisis in the social world. Even though it has become essential to business, the introduction of social media has made it much harder to deal with crisis situations these days. Pre-Facebook and Twitter, you had total control of what…