Our thoughts

Be inspired by the latest thoughts and insights from the world of marketing.

  • Less shock, more tea?

    The more disturbing the PSA ad, the more likely it is to end up being picked up by the media and going viral. That seems to be the convention. The higher the shock factor, the (youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD8BkIgp9Fo text: more gore), the better. (youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUmp67YDlHY) But a recent sexual consent awareness ad by an American based agency…

  • The ad I love so much I hate it

    It’s sunset. A shop-owner rolls down his steel shutters. A streetlamp flickers into life. The skyline starts to glow. Young people rack up pool balls on green baize, chalk up their cues, shove at pinball machines and take aim over bowling balls at racks of pins. Over swelling, happy-sad strings, a voice-over like a laid-back…

  • Recalling Volkswagen ads

    From a branding perspective, it will be interesting to see how Volkswagen begins the process of rebuilding their reputation in the wake of the recent emissions scandal. “The problem,” wrote a journalist in a recent (link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34328689 text: BBC News article), “is that even if something like winning the World Cup can boost the reputation…

  • SUPERDRE M views: The #missingtype campaign

    (image: https://www.superdream.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/givingblood_advert_1024-1024×724.png alt: givingblood_advert_1024) Where would we be without As, Os and Bs? It’s a subject that NHS Blood and Transplant is raising awareness of this week with its (link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/laurasilver/rein-in-blood text: #missingtype campaign) – an innovative stunt that’s seen London landmarks lose their letters. Aimed at recruiting new blood donors, the likes of Downing…

  • What can we learn from WestJet’s ‘Christmas Miracle’?

    **If you’ve used the internet in the last week or so chances are you’ve stumbled upon the viral video ‘Christmas Miracle’, produced by Canada’s second largest airline, WestJet.** The joyous video shows a group of people at the boarding gates in Toronto and Hamilton, preparing to catch a flight to Calgary. The travellers are surprised…

  • 2013 Christmas TV ads: Superdream’s winners and losers

    (image: https://www.superdream.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/John-Lewis-Christmas-ad-001.jpg alt: )   **Christmas is fast approaching and we’ve had a couple of weeks to see all of the major brand’s 2013 Christmas adverts and pick our favourites.** Featuring the usual snow, Santas and festive feasts as well as some unexpected touches, here are our picks of the great, mundane and down-right failures…