Our thoughts

Be inspired by the latest thoughts and insights from the world of marketing.

  • The Future of Media

    *One of the perks of working at a full-service creative agency is having seriously knowledgeable colleagues. Every month, we all get together to feed our bellies and brains as one of our departments shares top insight from their field.* * * Our media manager Aaron led this month’s Lunch and Learn on the future of different…

  • Adventures in networking

    **Out for a Chinese with the BPA** Last Friday a few of us attended the (link: http://thisisthebpa.co.uk text: Birmingham Publicity Association’s) first event of the year – The BPA Chinese Lunch. We took along some guest clients too – from Millward Brown and Birmingham St. Mary’s Hospice. For the uninitiated, the Birmingham Publicity Association is…

  • Knowing your audience

    *Generalising demographics is a thing of the past. It’s all about the detail. Superdream Media Buying expert, Aaron Jones tells us his view on better targeting your demographic.* I recently completed a large audience profiling project for a major client. We’ve worked together for some time, so we thought we had a pretty good picture…

  • Superdream celebrates winning The Pitch

    The Superdream team in Brisbane have spent the past few weeks working on a competitive pitch different to anything we’ve worked on before. This pitch was for Australian TV show, Gruen, ‘the show that lifts the lid on advertising, spin and marketing’. Following the broadcast of the show, the results are in and we’re proud to…

  • Selling the unsellable

    Selling the unsellable. This is what hit Aussie TV panel show Gruen asks agencies to do each week in The Pitch. So when Superdream were invited to appear on the show, presenting our response to one of the show’s famously ‘impossible’ briefs we were delighted but also slightly nervous! In the video below, Kirsty Visman…

  • Selling the unsellable

    Selling the unsellable. This is what hit Aussie TV panel show Gruen asks agencies to do each week in The Pitch. So when Superdream were invited to appear on the show, presenting our response to one of the show’s famously ‘impossible’ briefs we were delighted but also slightly nervous! In the video below, Kirsty Visman…